How Playing Sports Keeps You at the Top of Your Game

Have you been pushing yourself to the gym but unable to stick to the routine? Adding to it, do you run on the treadmill for hours and come back with body ache and tiredness? Well, think of how rekindling your passion for that favourite childhood sport could improve your overall health. 

Be it football, basketball, cricket, badminton, or tennis, each one of them takes you a step closer to good health and a toned body. You won’t even notice when a neck and neck match will uplift your mental and physical well-being. A lot of running, faster footwork, and a need for physical agility is the key to winning, which in turn empowers you with a healthy lifestyle. As they say ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’, it’s time to skip your sedentary lifestyle and get back to your favourite sport with added health benefits. 

Improve your cardiovascular health playfully 
Have you been spending more time at home gorging on those oil-laden snacks, sweet mid-night treats for the past few months without much physical activity? Well, the increasing pounds and lethargic body are the signals to your receding cardiovascular health. It’s always a good time to get back to a field sport that never makes you look at the watch, waiting for it to end. A rivalrous football or a cricket match regulates your blood circulation and reduces the risk of brain stroke, heart attack, irregular heart rhythm, hyperglycemia etc. So, next time you are trying your best to get more scores in the match, be assured that your heart’s also getting healthier and your blood pressure optimized. To be prepared for your next match, stay hydrated with enough fluids or a health drink to maintain your energy levels throughout. 

Bolster up your joint health 
Age when combined with the sedentary lifestyle is a lethal combination that make the bones grow weaker soon. But it’s never too late to get hold of your body, to work on its maintenance and well-being. Even a match of tennis or basketball once a week is good enough to drive your joints back to action. It involves an optimum amount of running and brisk movement of limbs, as you strike or wiggle away from the defenders on the court. While boosting your energy levels and adding to your game rush, it also reduces the risk of osteoporosis and osteomalacia. Playing sports is a suitable way to strengthen your bone density, all while you are having an amazing time. Also, a good idea would be to prep up your nutrition levels while going for the game. Add nutritional supplements to your diet, ensuring that your body gets enough minerals and vitamins to keep up your energy levels. Explore a wide range of health supplements and other healthcare products with the 1Tab app to upkeep your fitness and wellness. 

Make stress-free life your goal 
While the clock ticks for a deadline to achieve a target or submit an assignment, what would be better than a stress-busting game of cricket! When you have that powerful wooden bat in your hand and your focus is on hitting a six, all tensions and deadlines of life take a back seat. And when you hit the ball, you are not alone but a complete team standing by you, cheering you up or supporting you in case of a miss. A good game helps in relieving stress, improving mood and paves the road to a good night’s sleep. It also helps in regulating bodily functions while stimulating the mood-enhancing hormones like dopamine and serotonin. Cricket is therefore not just limited to a 22-yard field, but a way to a healthy life. 

Realign your body and mind

What’s more fun than a game of cricket or football to enhance your physical agility. While you pass the ball or run after it, your body is having a complete workout. This increases flexibility to a great extent, reducing the risk of injuries. Also, strategic and tactical moves enhance the physical as well as mental stamina. Make sure you pair your game of sports with nutritional supplements and health drinks to keep you active, even if you are getting back to it after years. To make this easier, 1Tab delivers a wide range of health supplements, immunity-boosters, health drinks as well as other healthcare products to your doorstep. It is a digital platform that makes healthcare hassle-free so you don’t have to think twice about your well-being. Prep yourself up for the next big game with your health essentials ready in your sports kit. 

It’s time to get back to the natural fitness regime that you followed all along your childhood. Pick up a sport that you absolutely love as the new fitness plan because it will definitely change your outlook on body and fitness. Get the ball rolling as you run to your goal for a healthy lifestyle!


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