Beat the Morning Blues and Ease Constipation in 5 Simple Tricks

Does the tagline “Motion Se Hi Emotion” (“From Motion Comes Emotion”) strike a chord? The 2015 film, Piku, acted as a long awaited emotional enema for constipation sufferers. It brought into the public domain a topic that for long has been a taboo in social conversations while being the most commonly experienced conditions. The aforementioned tagline righly brings to the fore how constipation not only affects our bowel motions but also our emotional quotient by laying bare our angst and upsetting our overall sense of well-being.  Since constipation is that one distressful condition almost all of us may have experienced at some point in our lives, let’s delve deeper into its causes, types, remedies and more.

Commonly, constipation stems from inactivity, stress, dehydration, overuse of or dependence on laxatives, surgery, medications, low-fiber diet, and the like. These factors cause symptoms including hard stools, strained bowel movements, a general feeling of being blocked, inability to empty bowels, bloating, nausea, and constant abdominal ache. Constipation, therefore, is an umbrella term for varying degrees of bowel discomfort. While the condition for some may last a couple of days and then be gone for good, for others, it may be a painful reality to live with for years. Whether you are having to go multiple times with little luck or going on without a single release all week, it is important to decipher  the type of constipation experienced and find remedies accordingly.

Anyone who has less than three bowel movements per week is said to have constipation. If this condition goes on for several months, it can be diagnosed as chronic constipation that may require professional medical intervention to ease the symptoms. However, if such a condition only occurs occasionally, home remedies or over-the-counter medicines can help a great deal. If you are a recent sufferer or dealing with it for a long time, read on to find simple ways to let it all out and alleviate discomfort.

Keep up regular activity

Like most ailments, constipation can be controlled with certain lifestyle changes. Getting your body moving by regular exercise, short walks, basic stretches or some form of rigorous activity, for instance can do the trick. Physical activity can also be a potent tool to manage emotional effects of constipation like irritability, malaise, grumpiness and the like. Exercise can help patients release pent up energy that comes with constipation and  feel relieved, lighter, and in a better position to handle the condition. People living with the condition for long  can start slow and begin walking for at least 20 minutes and gradually amp up their time and pace.

Keep your hydration game on point

Excess of alcohol or caffeine consumption commonly leads to dehydration which may further aggravate constipation. Therefore, having enough fluids at regular intervals throughout the day is a good starting point to release symptoms. A total of ten glasses of plain or lemon/mint infused water with some fibre-rich fresh juices can help keep you quenched and hydrated. People with existing medical issues like heart failure or kidney problems, however, must consult their doctors about the appropriate amount of fluids fit for daily consumption.

Double up your fruits, veggies, and fibers

People who eat less or do not have balanced, nutritious, fiber-rich meals are at a greater risk of developing constipation. Many doctors recommend incorporating daily doses of fruits and fibrous vegetables into their diets. Apart from veggies, you can also add bran cereals or bran muffins as a part of your breakfast or morning snack. People with low-fiber diets are recommended to include a good source of fiber into their meals. In addition to fruits and vegetables, you can include processed or synthetic fibers into your diet. However, talk to your physician to suggest a suitable synthetic alternative.

Stick to a routine
Try to adapt to a routine and keep it consistent. Schedule a fixed  time for the bowel movement every day. While doing so, ensure that you pick a time when you are not in a rush and can allocate enough time for the ritual.

Give laxatives a try
Having laxatives before going to bed is a common constipation treatment that works wonders for many patients. While mint, fennel,  bael (wood apple) juice or fruit, papayas, black currants, and husks may be some home-based laxatives, you can talk to your physician to pick over-the-counter or prescribed laxatives. Some doctors may recommend the osmotic laxatives that hold fluids in the intestine and make them softer so that the stool becomes easier to pass. In case your doctor has recommended you take this type of laxative, it is essential that you drink enough water and stay refreshed. Another type of laxatives that doctors may commonly suggest include stimulant laxatives. These help speed up the movement of stool from the intestines while making it easier to pass. Whichever type of laxative your physician recommends, ensure you follow the dosage as suggested. Many online pharmacies like 1Tab stock up laxatives across ayurveda and allopathy  that can be ordered in just a few clicks right to your homes. Browse through 1Tab’s range of constipation relieving fibres, colon cleansers  and laxatives by downloading the app. Since many over the counter drugs for constipation have herbal ingredients, you can also choose to look for herbal stimulants that can work like laxatives and draw fluid to the colon.


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