5 Must-Have Health Essentials for Your First Aid Kit

Remember how the cut on your finger while chopping vegetables makes you rush around the house for a band-aid or when you have that painful headache and all you want is a pain reliever. Well, the next time this happens make sure that your first aid kit is stocked up and easy to reach. 

Right from the scrapes to bruises to burns and even the sudden bee sting can be cured easily with a basic first-aid, many times stopping a mishap from getting worse. Think of your first aid kit as the first responder at home, keeping your loved ones safe. Knowing what to do and where to find the first aid essentials in case of a medical emergency helps to heal soon and not fret over a wound. 

Here’s a list of must-haves for your first aid kit:

  1. Bandages & Antiseptic Creams 

If you get a minor cut or scrape, the first step is to clean the wound properly with an antiseptic liquid to avoid any infection and then wrap up with a band-aid. Protect and cover deeper wounds with a clean gauze pad or roller bandage. Make sure that your first-aid contains antiseptic liquid or cream, sterile cotton, gauze, adhesive plasters, roller bandage and scissors.  

  1. Thermometer 

Always be prepared for the sudden change in body temperature that accompanies flu, fever and even some infections. Keep a thermometer at hand to monitor the body’s temperature whenever you feel ill. While 98.6°F is considered as the normal body temperature, it can vary between 97°F to 99°F depending on the time of the day, age, diet as well as other factors. If you observe constant high or low temperatures, be sure to consult a doctor. 

  1. Anti-Allergic Tablets 

People with seasonal allergies get uneasy as winter, fall or spring approaches. They experience sudden allergic reactions with never-ending sneezes, watery eyes, runny nose, headaches which sometimes results in fever. Many times the cause of allergies can be a particular food, perfumes, dust, insect-bite and even incense sticks. Make sure you have a stock of anti-allergic tablets whenever the emergency strikes.

  1. Painkillers & Burn-relief ointment

Be it a minor burn when touching a hot lid or a sudden oil splash while frying, try to put the affected skin under cool running water for up to 15 minutes. If that’s not possible, apply a cool compress. Do not apply ice as it can cause more damage. To help relieve the pain, you can take some OTC pain relievers. Also, keep an antibiotic ointment at hand to prevent any infection and reduce the discomfort from minor burns. 

  1. Laxatives 

Sometimes a constant change in food habits results in abdominal pain as well as strained bowel movements. Munching on preserved midnight snacks, or gorging on junk food combined with less physical activity and low hydration can lead to constipation. On days when you step out or stay inside the entire day, make sure you have medicines for diarrhea and constipation at hand. Consult your doctor about the laxatives that suit you and follow the dosage as suggested. 

As they say, ‘prevention is better than cure’, always keep your first aid kit up-to-date with sufficient band-aids, thermometer, burn-relief ointments, painkillers for throbbing headaches, laxatives as well as anti-allergic medicines for when the need arises. To make this easier 1Tab app provides hassle-free home delivery of first aid essentials as well as other health products. Being an online pharmacy, 1Tab ensures the authenticity of healthcare products ranging from Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Immunity Boosters and even medical devices. 

Also, keep an updated stock of your regular prescribed medications be it for cholesterol, high blood pressure, fluctuating sugar levels or some other health condition. Taking medicines at the right time ensures good health for you and your loved ones. Be ready with your first aid kit to handle common household injuries, wounds and illness even at a moment’s notice. 


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