3 Simple Home Exercises to Make Working Out Work Out

If the next 30 seconds somewhat tell your story or sound like a day in your partner, family member or friend’s life, read on!

During dinner, you video call your loved ones and all those nostalgic tales and fun throwbacks get occasionally interrupted by unmindful large morsels of heavy dinner. Post dinner and dishes, you are wide awake into the night binge-watching easily avoidable content. Many such unproductive late nights are often followed by a disoriented work morning where lines between work and life seamlessly blur. And just in a jiffy, all your ambitious fitness goals fizzle out, taking a back seat week-after-week!

You’d agree, with gyms still under lockdown and unprecedented workload on each one of us, keeping up an active fitness routine has become a real struggle. Contrary to our resolve to be more strong and energetic, our present circumstances, unnatural lifestyle choices often coupled with unhealthy dietary practices make us feel dull, exhausted and guilt-ridden throughout the day. All these factors often add to our tiredness, acidity, inflammation and bloating. What’s even worse is the awareness of being trapped in this vicious cycle. If gadget-focused leisure activities along with your stressful modern lives make fit, healthy and inspired living increasingly difficult, here’s what you can do.

The first step when it comes to getting out of this rut, is having a fresh take on fitness. Start with baby steps and try to practice simple sequences once every couple of days to kick start getting fit at home. To amp up your activity level, you can engage your bodies with basic breathing and relaxation exercises. Through a series of  preparatory breathing techniques, circulation enhancing yoga postures, restorative practices and balanced diets, you can easily get yourself in the groove. Once you are consistent, you will be able to clear the mind, ease tension and eventually reach deeper states of relaxation and rest, achieving overall wellness. To take your daily home exercises up a notch, practice our top 3 picks for home workouts and hop onto the fitness bandwagon again! 

Glute Bridges

If you have lately been sedentary and spent most of your day sitting, chances are high that your hip flexor muscles stay contracted most of the time. Glute bridges are a great way to relax these muscles and stay refreshed and active through the work day. The exercise targets your glutes and lower back while challenging them and providing a gentle opening to these strained muscles. To make the exercise more effective, focus on squeezing your glutes and shift the pressure from your quads. If this seems easy, you can work on strengthening your pelvic floor. This can be done by focussing on it as you lift your hips and relaxing it as you go down. For more clarity, look up videos on the exercise and increase your repetitions accordingly. A good idea to stay strong through each sequence is prepping up your body with some nutritional boost of supplements and proteins. Browse through 1Tab’s list of versatile health drinks and nutritional supplements to stay on top of the game. Their website offers a great range of supplements and proteins to choose from.

The Bird-dog Sequence

This exercise helps strengthen postural muscles of the spine, improving your balance and challenging your core. Start this exercise by extending your right arm and resting your fingers on the floor. Simultaneously, extend your left leg and rest your toes behind you. Next, use your core muscles to maintain balance and lift your right arm and left leg. Feel the stretch and breathe in the relaxation all along. Raise and lower your arm and leg at the same time and do 10-15 repetitions before switching to the left arm and right leg. For correct posture and breathing, play a video tutorial online and follow suit. This is a powerful exercise to restore health and feel fitter by the day. If you have been experiencing some discomfort due to several days of inactivity or long hours of working, focus on lengthening your body as you lift. You will feel relaxed and experience stiffness melting away. However, it is recommended that you do a basic warm up or some quick jumping jacks before diving into action. For added support and strength, have a pre-work out supplement or a post-workout protein shake. Try keeping your fitness schedule on point despite working at home by ordering nutritional protein drinks right to your doorstep. To make this easy, the digital health platform, 1Tab, stocks up an array of supplements and post-workout drinks and a robust range of medicines to meet all your health and fitness requirements. Download the 1Tab App to give accessible healthcare and wellness a try!

Donkey Kicks

This is another special set of exercise that will shake off inactivity and strengthen stiff glutes and hamstrings. Donkey kicks are super easy and a whole lot of fun. You can begin on all fours and engage your core while lifting your right bent knee. Ensure your right heel is straight towards the ceiling. Hold the posture and lower your knee to the ground. Start with 20 reps each and go upto your desired number before switching sides. However, always ensure you maintain good form and regulate your breathing. If you find this exercise simplistic, you can consider nestling some weight, a dumbbell or a filled water bottle behind your knee. You can also make the exercise more challenging by extending your knee instead of bending it. For greater transformative changes, pair these exercises with protein supplements from 1Tab.

These at-home workouts are sure to work out for anyone struggling to keep calm, fit or healthy amid locked gyms, cancelled yoga classes and banned community zumba sessions. With these exercises, you can easily reform your daily routine in a total of just 30 minutes. These consistent sessions of energy-boosting daily exercises help increase productivity, bringing sustainable health & fitness-boosting routines into your life.


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