3 Secrets to Keep Indigestion at Bay

Remember what follows after gorging on those irresistible mango treats or those extra servings of desserts we overeat? Be it indulgent holiday feasts or mindless snacking, giving in to sumptuous spoonfuls of bliss often does not go down well with our digestive system. Such overindulgences end up in bathroom runs, nausea and bouts of upset stomach. And this is what is indigestion in a nutshell.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion is any discomfort in the upper abdomen. While indigestion is not classified as a disease in itself, it may be a result of an underlying digestive disease. Generally, indigestion is an umbrella term used for all gastrointestinal tract related issues that one experiences. While the condition is very common, the way it is experienced by each person may vary. The condition may be episodic or occasional for many or a regular ordeal for some. Identifying indigestion is rather easy. Here are some of the common symptoms of indigestion that you may have experienced:
- Abdominal pain or cramps
- Feeling of fullness especially during eating or drinking water
- Heartburn or an incessant feeling of discomfort behind the breastbone
- Flatulence
- Bloating
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Belching
- Malaise
- Reflux
The symptoms of Indigestion are primarily influenced by the type of food we eat. While some food items may contribute to the production of gas and acid in the digestive system, others can be used to amp up digestion and alleviate symptoms. Here are some tips and tricks for you to avoid frequent pangs of indigestion and add to your wellness.
Regular Physical Activity Is the Way to Go

While physical exercise is not a cure for indigestion, it is a great preventive measure to keep up digestive health. Engaging in any physical form of activity helps release trapped gas and get rid of any potential gastrointestinal problems. Light walks after meals is another excellent method to avoid gas, acidity, and indigestion. Activities like skipping, running, jogging, and brisk walks on a regular basis maintain the body’s equilibrium and help one digest better. Regular walks can. further break the tendency of developing digestive ailments or its recurrence
Keep a Tab on Your Dietary Habits

Often bringing a change to one’s dietary habit is enough to relieve indigestion and its underlying symptoms. This can be done by identifying the kind of foods that may have triggered the condition. Foods with high fat content, carbonated beverages, spicy food items, caffeine-laden drinks, alcohol, dairy products, and the like are known to be the main causes of indigestion and gas. Eliminating trigger foods from the diet is one of the best remedies to effectively help relieve the symptoms. While the trigger foods for indigestion vary for every individual, ensure you take note of the foods that frequently cause acidity and gas for you and avoid them accordingly. Often, overeating or indulging in lavish meals can upset your digestion. To avoid the same it is crucial you exercise some form of portion control and eat only as much as your body requires. By keeping a watch on what goes into your system, you can look for ways to boost your digestive wellness. Additionally, you can explore digestive supplements or probiotics to aid digestion. People with episodic or frequent pangs can always keep a ready stock of these health boosters by ordering these online. To do the job, try 1Tab, an online pharmacy that has an exclusive range of medicines and healthcare essentials across allopathy, homeopathy and Ayurveda.
De-stress to ease the distress

Often brewing stress and fatigue can be contributors to indigestion. Always ensure you maintain a good sleep pattern and eat on time to avoid energy depletion. For good mental health and to avoid stress from penting up, allocate an hour or so every day just for yourself. You can choose to meditate, reflect, write, read or pamper yourself to cope with stressful times. Destressing can have great positive changes on the body.
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