2-Minute Health Checks You Can Do at Home

In our daily lives, while we juggle to meet deadlines at work, complete daily household chores and maintain social relationships, many times our personal well-being takes a back seat. It seems too easy to put health checkups on a waiting list while we go on with our lives. Whereas, it has been proven time and again that timely diagnosis paves the way to a smooth recovery and reduces the risk of many diseases. 

How easy would it be if you could keep a tab on your health at home! It's not late, you can still monitor your nutritional intake, sleep patterns, heart pulse throughout the day amongst other vital health checks for a healthy body and mind. Prioritize your health with simple and easy self-screenings to make sure you are in the pink of your health. 

Read on to know about a few quick health checkups you can do from the comfort of your home: 

1. Keep a tab on body temperature 

Be it monsoon or winter, a thermometer is an essential healthcare device to keep a track of even a slight rise or drop in body temperature. A lot of infections, viral fevers and illness start with mild symptoms accompanied by a rise in body’s temperature. Even with the coronavirus pandemic expanding every day, the need to keep a check on temperature is the first step for ensuring good health. Having a thermometer at hand is an easy way to monitor the well-being of your family and those around you. 

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When stepping out of the house is not an option, you can get thermometers and other healthcare products from online pharmacies. 1Tab is one such pharmacy that delivers healthcare essentials, thermometers among other healthcare devices right to the doorstep. Although 98.6°F is considered as the normal temperature, it can vary between 97°F to 99°F depending on the time of the day, age, diet as well as other factors. High temperature indicates that the body is fighting against infection, whereas a lower temperature is a sign of other health issues like diabetes, hyperthyroidism etc. Be sure to consult a doctor if you observe constant fluctuations in your body temperature. 

2. Check your blood pressure at home 

While checking your pulse i.e. how many times your heart beats per minute is an easy way to keep track of your heart health, it may vary during workouts and other physical activities. A healthy resting heart rate is between 60 to 100 beats per minute, the lower the better. It is surprising, but heart rate and rhythm can reveal a lot about your body and overall health. Well, a blood pressure monitoring device is a go-to health tracker to be sure of a healthy heart. Your normal blood pressure could range between 110/70 and 120/80. Higher blood pressure is an advocate of stress, dehydration, and hypertension. If you experience irregular blood pressure, keep a track and consult a medical professional to eliminate any further risk of stroke, heart attack or kidney disease. Explore blood pressure monitoring devices and other healthcare products at 1Tab for hassle-free home delivery. Add a blood pressure monitoring device to your home healthcare kit now! 

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3. Track your weight fluctuations 

A healthy weight is a prominent factor for mental and physical well-being. Whereas, if you notice a sudden change in how your clothes fit or a change in the body’s shape, it should not be ignored. In case the fat around your waist is changing rapidly and not because of diet or physical activity, it could be an indicator of health issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even hormonal changes. 

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Let’s go an easy way, take a soft measuring tape and measure your waist at the level of your belly button. Be sure to not hold your breath while you do so! Aim for a waist measurement less than 37 cm for women and less than 40 cm for men. Whereas, this varies depending on a person’s BMI. Consult your doctor to know about the healthy waist circumference depending on your body type. Anything higher than the normal measurement signals the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even heart disease.

4. Keep your blood sugar level in check

Regular health checkups are advised for people who have symptoms of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes to keep a tab on their blood sugar levels. This can easily be done at home with a blood glucose monitoring device. For family members and friends who avoid stepping out, it is important to keep a check on their health. A health monitoring device at home is a suitable option to ensure their well-being. Download the 1Tab app to browse through a wide range of glucose monitoring devices along with other suitable products like diabetes check needles, pen fills and other healthcare products. To make sure that you select a suitable device and follow the right method, consult a medical professional. Keep a record of your glucose levels for a detailed and appropriate diagnosis by the doctor. 

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Looking at the bigger picture, fix a date for self-care and take small steps with simple health checks at home, some of which even take less than a minute. Keep a track of essential health determiners like blood pressure, pulse rate, body temperature and weight among others. Take control of your health with timely and instant health checkups- anytime, anywhere. 


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