All You Need to Know About Birth Control Pills
While pregnancy is considered as a journey of joy and happiness, it comes with immense responsibilities. Looking at the increasing young population, pregnancy, if unplanned and unmanaged, could turn things upside down in personal as well as professional life. Unburdening the mind, it is essential for women to learn all about contraceptives to ensure their good health and well-being. Getting accurate knowledge about contraceptives and being prepared calls for no harm. A lot of contraceptives are available in the market which ensures planned parenthood. Ranging from the intrauterine device (IUD), hormonal contraception to condoms, etc. opting for birth control pills is one such method that is 99% effective in most cases. While choosing an appropriate contraceptive method, it is essential to consider elements like health safety, effectiveness, availability (including accessibility and affordability), and acceptability. A detailed medical consultation could be the first step towards a...